Transitions. That is where I am right now. I am transitioning between a mom and an empty nester. Andrew will be going to school in Ohio this year and will be living with his aunt during the week. I rarely see him now because he is 16 and has a car and a job. The house has been so quiet. It will be even quieter this fall. Christopher is already gone. I also am transitioning MY life. I am going to school. That is a huge transition! I feel like I am on the edge of MY life! I am finishing up being a full time mom and beginning with my life. Where will it go from here? I'm not sure. Maybe marriage will be in the future, maybe not. Promotion on the job? Maybe when I graduate (4-5 years from now!)
So, I was thinking about transitions. I wanted to define what a transition was. There are so many ways to transition. There are definite, clean lined transitions, but those are so rare! Most of the transitions that I found in nature, just gradually fade into each other. That is where I am. I guess I will know when I finally get there.
I know all about transistions hon. They can be scary, but they also shape us into the people we are. It'll be tough not having Andrew around this Fall, and know that I'm here to for ya Judy. We all are! And it is soo inspiring that you are going back to school! Makes me want to go back to get my Masters. :-) Maybe someday. lol Best of luck to you chica!!
:) Ah ... major life changes and transitions. Those spaces in our journeys that offer us opportunity to transform and grow and become even more of what and who we are!
:) Enjoy it,
Well I think that is a grand idea to go back to school. Meet new people and fresh ideas! My two children are off the world too and while I miss them terrible I am sooo excited for them and the beginning of their lives.
while I understand transitions can be scary and messy -- I think transition time can be incredibly exciting and excellent! Go for it...try new things and find your passions! Congrats on moving into a new stage in your life...may you find everything you are looking for! Cheers!
What a great post Judy... Sometimes it's easy to feel all alone, but it's nice to know that no matter where we're at in our life (new baby or baby leaving home) that we are all essentially doing the same thing: transitioning. Thanks for sharing your insight! :)
this is a wonderful transition both you and your child. they are becoming an adult! and you've helped get them here! that's very exciting.
and an empty nest just means there's more room for you and what you want and may have put aside for awhile....
have fun with this! yes, there's an element of sadness but when my kids left i chose excitement over the journeys they were just beginning. now they are both grown (one even has kids of her own!!) and i have wonderful relationships with both. having adult children is a very special blessing, too!
Congratulations!! I teach a courses on meditation ( and i thought i would tell you what i tell other parents who worry about their children and themselves:
1. There comes a time when you have to stop being a teacher/guide to your children, and let them strike out on their own... let them make their mistakes and learn... this is the time when you wait and watch and be ready to catch them if they fall... not stop them from falling in the first place!
2. There is really only 1 thing that can stop us from really doing stuff we have always wanted to: We ourselves! ... at the same time there is exactly one thing that gets us to do all the stuff we have always wanted to: We ourslevs! :)
Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't: You are absolutely one hundred percent right!
Best of Luck for your life ahead!!
What an exciting place to be in your life. Everything will be new and exciting when you go back to school. Love your photos!
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